August 17, 2014


That sure was a long one.  I hope somebody actually reads it.

Sometimes when I summarize, it's not much of a summary....

Posted by: Mauser at 02:51 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 23 words, total size 1 kb.

1 Read it? Sure I did. Gave me the resolve I needed to not bother with the series.

That was a service. Thank you.

Posted by: topmaker at August 18, 2014 01:33 PM (2yZsg)

2 I need to get back to the good stuff.  I never did finish watching Robotics;Notes.

Never finished adding pictures to the final episode of Mysterious Girlfriend X.  (GOD I put a lot of pics in those posts!)

Hell, my Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse series review is still sitting in Draft mode.

But the next couple of weeks are gonna be awful.  Mandatory 10's and weekends.

I do find it a little handier to refer to characters by their Roles instead of their names.

I need to learn how to make fixed pages or properly tag or categorize stuff so that all the episode reviews can be collected in one spot.

Posted by: Mauser at August 19, 2014 03:27 AM (TJ7ih)

3 "Mandatory 10's and weekends."
Yeah, after Labor day I no longer have two day weekends. I wish I had enough customers to justify ten hour days, though.

Do you have a link I can follow to your Mysterious Girlfriend X posts?
I liked the series, although the manga is getting a bit long winded. I guess that is to be expected when the whole thing is about the sublime regarding subtlety in relationships.

Well, be happy you can at least make a blogroll (hangs head...).

Posted by: topmaker at August 19, 2014 05:56 PM (2yZsg)

4 The Blogroll is easy.

Go to Edit, Manage Templates, and there should be a batch of files of a type "Include", the ones marked "Active" are your current sidebar.

So my Sidebar Template currently reads
[applet Search]
[applet NewComments 10]

[include Blogroll]

[applet Categories]
[applet Archives]

[applet Stats]
[applet Feeds]

[include Amazon]

And there's another one titled "Blogroll" that is simply a chunk of HTML style links. to each blog. So to add a link to the blogroll, I just add in a standard HTML link.

I don't have an easy way set up to read just the Mysterious Girlfriend X posts, that's what I was talking about.  I'm not sure about the right way to use the Category or Tagging features.

And I have a lot of sympathy for those who do retail, after my stint merchandizing furniture displays. Manufacturing is a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Today, were it not for the skills we've developed over the last few years, could have been an incredibly dangerous one.  We removed the fin to deburr all the bolt holes we'd drilled in it the previous day. Normally this is trivial, because we have a work stand dedicated to the whole thing.  But someone in upper management, where they schedule things to meet the goals they set in press releases with no connection to reality, dictated that the tail section be moved into place in the next station in the assembly line, so instead of working from our nice, safe workstand, we were perched on the curve of the fuselage after stepping off boom lifts, while we detached and hoisted away the 3000 lb fin. Fortunately, nobody got squished.  In fact, it was one of the smoothest dismounts and remounts we've had in ages. but everything takes longer when done out of position.

In the meantime, they mandated that we work 10's and weekends for the next two weeks as some kind of productivity push (See the contradiction already?), but really, it's just going to burn everybody out and piss them off, considering how much they've been abusing the weekend mandating power all summer.

I'm not normally a big union guy, but our management is the sort that makes unions necessary.

Posted by: Mauser at August 21, 2014 02:23 AM (TJ7ih)

5 That sound like a bit of danger on the jobsite. I don't get into that much potential for death, but it could get quite nasty having a quartz or granite top weighing in at 900 lbs fall on your ass foot.

Thanks for the tips on the sidebar. Pete gave me some advice as well. I think I will try to do something this weekend.

Posted by: topmaker at August 21, 2014 06:07 PM (2yZsg)

6 It's a big place with a LOT of employees, so statistically, people are going to die there (lot of heart attacks), but there are sometimes tragedies. There's a guy who lost both of his legs below the knee when a 787 under tow rolled onto him. A young fellow fell off one of the painting scaffold lifts and died. A 747 worker got caught inside a spoiler and crushed, but after a couple of months on a ventilator, his ribs healed enough to breathe on his own. A track driller got loose and zipped around its track from the top of the plane to the bottom, severely injuring the guy under the plane. And most recently a fellow got both of his hands severely burned in an electrical discharge.

But most of these things can be prevented by following procedure and not getting complacent. During this lift of the fin, we were extra aware, and took it slowly and took some extra precautions. It was actually the guys down on the floor deburring the holes in the bottom of the fin that had the safety folks throwing fits.

It's probably going to be the chemicals and carbon fiber dust that shorten my lifespan after I retire. With my limited pension thanks to the company threatening to build the 777X somewhere else if we wouldn't give our pension up, and the vote being scheduled for a date with no time to really discuss the issue and when most of the older workers were away on vacation still.

Posted by: Mauser at August 22, 2014 01:59 AM (TJ7ih)

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